about the subject, Although she went along with me she didn't really understand. Then one morning about 4 A. M. I was awakened by a
phone call. It was she and the first thing she said was, "I understand! Being half a sleep I neither knew or much cared what it was she under- stood, but she had lain awake for a long time and suddenly a light had burst on her and she knew that this TV-feminine expression was as much a part of me as brown eyes--that it was an inherent part of my person- ality. She has staunchly maintained that position ever since.
She didn't like the name Muriel, though, so Virginia has been my name ever since. She has helped make a lady out of me and I'm grate- ful. We have gone on trips together as two women and to many shows, dinners and shopping trips. Our marriage is a very happy one since it is based on a complete understanding. I have a rather large feminine wardrobe which is kept in a special room designed for the purpose when we built our house. I dress exactly as I like on weekends and in even- ings. Because of such complete acceptance I have been able to grow out of the "I must wear a dress and heels or nothing" stage. I have several pairs of capris girl's slacks suits, etc., which I wear together with flats and slippers--running about with or without wig, makeup, jewelry, etc. as fits my mood. I find that now that I can be accepted by her I have also learned to completely accept myself and as a girl I'm interested in feminine relaxation and comfort as she is.
Three years ago, I started to publish TRANSVESTIA because in thinking back over my life I saw all the pain and heartache I'd been through and how much of it could have been avoided if I'd known my- self better and if my first wife and parents had known more about the TV matter too. Thus I decided that the very tempering experiences that hurt me so much had given me the growth, the freedom, and the guts, if you will, to start doing something about if for others, in the hope that they might be spared some of what I had been through.
So it is one of the biggest satisfactions of my life when I get letters from many of you indicating that my own heartaches, which lead imperceptibly toward my present activities, have not been in vain. Your letters of appreciation tell me so every day.